This cute brunette mistress has a sexy mouth that turns deadly when she is around a slave. She starts biting down hard on this slave's fingers. She sinks her teeth into his flesh and bites down hard until she leaves marks. She loves to punish her slaves in this way and gets off on hearing them cry out in pain when she tortures them with her sharp teeth all over their body.
In this clip Madame Marissa bites in a dark atmosphere each finger of her slave with relish. Slowly the beautiful Mistress opens her mouth, brings it closer to his finger and bites it slowly, sensual but hard. Once she opens up her mouth again she moved her head slowly backwards already thinking about which finger is her next victim. On the fingers you can see clear biting marks of her front teeth.
She plays an evil game that promises to bring a lot of fun! First she snuggles her slave's hand, and just in time when he's confused by that she jabs her sharp and merciless teeth into his finger! That game will be continued over every of these ten fingers, so that he never can foresee when his mistress will bite his flesh and bones next! Every single finger is covered with rough bitemarks in the end.
She takes every word serious, and his slaves wished to go to bed with her long ago... now his time has come and Madame Marissa prepares her bed. She ties him and fixes him there, and then she starts biting him painfully and scratch him with her sharp nails... so he never told her, what exactly he wanted to do in bed, right? A nice chance to torture her slave and leave him feel frustrated by his own foolishness!
Madame Marissa's slave wears a nice collar which she uses to keep him fixed in place through a lead because she knows what awaits him - she sits down on his belly and starts to unbutton his shirt. Then she pierces her sharp teeth deep into his flesh and leaves deep and visible bitemarks all over his chest! Because of that he's fixed, he's unable to move.. the pain makes him stream and struggle, but Madame Marissa keeps him right where he's ought to be for his torture!
Emma is biting fingers for the whole length of the video! You can watch her perfect teeth taking every finger, one by one... look at this seductive glaze in her eyes, how can such a pretty face cause so much pain? But she knows that you secretly love it.. and she will take enough time to make the pain come slowly, that's so adorable to watch her causing pain!