Biting Femdom

Dominant females enjoy biting their male slaves

All articles tagged with "Biting"

Madame Marissa likes to punish the part of the body that committed a crime. This time it was the slave's fingers which took what did not belong to him. She wanted to make sure he would not do so again so she bit those fingers and left them full of her bite marks. She bit them one by one and made him scream like a little baby. He promised never to do it again.

Mistress Gaia found out that her slave did not feel as much pain when she trampled him. He seemed to handle slaps very well. She was pissed and decided to try something else. So she called him to where she was and she used her strong teeth to crush him and bite him. She bit him hard and he was in so much pain that for the first time, he screamed.

Mistress Gaia did not like ow her slave was behaving. She wanted to punish him but she was tired. She did not want to punish him using an involving method so she chose to use one which was easy to carry out. She settled on biting him. She bit his fingers painfully and made him scream in pain. She knew the punishment was effective and told him not to repeat his mistake.

Madame Marissa wanted to humiliate and torture her slave. But she did not want to do it in the house because she did not want him to scream and alert her neighbors. So she decided to take him to the woods where she tied him to a tree and she enjoyed biting him as hard as she could all over his body and not caring however much he screamed and cried.

Madame Marissa likes to bit and it is a fetish she developed recently. She realized it was as painful as she wanted but the advantage with it is that it did not take her a lot of effort to accomplish. She decided to use it on her slave when he messed up. She had him lie down and remove his shirt. She bit his nipples and she dug her teeth in them until the slave screamed painfully.

Mistress Gaia likes pain. But she does not like it on herself. She likes it on others. And as she thought of what to do to her slave to inflict pain on him, she settled on crushing his fingers using her mouth and her teeth. She mercilessly crushed her slave's fingers and made him scream out in pain before she let him go. She could tell how painful it was from the way the slave screamed.

Madame Madison is one of those mistresses who punish the part of a body that has done a wrong. When her slave stole some jewelry from her, she gave him the perfect punishment. She crushed his fingers with her teeth. She bit him and made sure he was in a lot of pain and that he regretted what he had done and even refunded her before she let him go.

Madame Marissa sat down and realized that she had never tried biting fetish. She was looking for a new fetish and she found one in biting femdom. She did not have to look far and this one was effective and did not require a lot of resources. So she decided to put it into practice. She waited till her slave messed up then she punished him by biting him hard on his fingers and even on his neck.

Madame Madison felt a great urge to humiliate her slave. She did not have a particular reason except that she knew she had to do it. She looked for a scapegoat to humiliate him. She made him remove his shirt and tied his hands so that he was defenseless. Then she had fun biting his chest and belly. She bit hard and made the slave scream out in pain but she was having fun so she did not stop.

Lady Kara is a cruel mistress. She likes things done according to her wishes and when something is not done like she wants, she punishes that person for not doing it the way she wants. This guy was supposed to give her multiple orgasms and he said he was up to the task. But he was not. So she punished him severely. She tied him down and made sure he was naked before she bit him and left him bite marks all over his body.

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